Wandering on Purpose

Hey there – welcome to my new blog!

It’s taken quite a bit of thought, research, second-guessing and self-motivational speeches to get this thing going, but I’m finally ready. I’m ready to write and maintain this blog on a consistent basis, and I finally have enough vision to do so.

You see, I don’t just want to blog. I want to blog well. I spend hours (seriously hours) reading blogs all over the internet for fun. Blogs that are insightful, popular, sleek and overall delightful to get lost in (my current favorite is Anne the Adventurer). I want to join that community, but starting from the grassroots terrifies me. What if no one reads it? What if people read it and hate what I have to say? What if I fail?

Well, today I’m finally telling myself to get OVER it, and just start. I’m also taking the advice of my friend Kelsy and simply writing for myself (you can read my previous angst-y 3 a.m. post for more on that, but I don’t recommend it).

The title/theme/mission statement for this blog is Wandering on Purpose. This phrase describes my current life so well. For the past two and a half years of college I’ve felt like a wanderer. I don’t always know what I’m doing, I rarely know how I got here and I definitely don’t know where I’m going (past the next 18 months, at least). But with this confusion comes so much excitement. Crazy, thrilling things have happened, and anything can happen in the next week, month or year. It’s fun to wander.


But along with wandering comes a sense of purpose: a knowledge that I’m bound for somewhere and something. I have goals, dreams and desires for my life that make wandering feel meaningful instead of aimless. And most importantly I have a Master Planner directing my course. Even more exciting.

So, with that in mind, I want to write about adventures. Exciting things I do, people I meet, places I go, and I want you to come on the adventure with me. If there’s one thing I want people to take away from this blog it’s that adventure is everywhere. I want to write about the things in life that keep us on the edge of our seats, whether they are in everyday experiences or the opportunity of a lifetime.

I can’t wait to get going and see how this internet home of mine takes shape. Want to join me?

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