Goals | Dreams | Experiences

Today my roommate Haylee blogged about her goals for the next five years, and I was so inspired by her post that I want to share it with you! I also want to make my own list of goals, which I will do in the next couple of days, so stay tuned! What are your future goals?

PS – check out Haylee’s new blog! She just restarted it last week and has already inspired me countless times. I can’t wait to see how it develops!

Haylee Robinson

Today I was asked where I wanted to be in five years… Five years. That is such a large amount of time for me to make goals. Or is it?

Sometimes it is hard for me to plan for the future and see past a certain date, mainly any date after graduation from college. I’ve heard it’s such a strange transition, but with a plan it can be made simple. I want to believe that so I’ve decided to follow everyone’s advice and develop a plan.

In addition to my last post, I’m following the theme of challenging myself to figure it out.

In the next five years I would love to advance in work, travel, grow spiritually, and seek adventure. I’ve been taught from a young age that making a career for yourself was one of the most beneficial things a woman in today’s society could do for herself…

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